Alright, Soul Shaker, it’s time to get real. There are things you’re doing—things you swear are helping you live your best life—but they’re secretly working against you. These sneaky saboteurs are draining your energy, stealing your alignment, and keeping you stuck in loops. But don’t worry—I'm here to help you flip the script, reclaim your power, and step back into your magic. Let’s break it down, shall we?

1) Drinking. Yes, I Said It.
Let's start with the big one—drinking. I know, I know, "But it's fun!" you say. And while you may feel like you’re having the time of your life, your energy field is plummeting faster than a rock off a cliff. I’m not even going to get into the physical effects (if you don’t know those, it's time to do some research, my friend), but let’s dive into the energetic.
When you drink, your vibrations drop like they’re in freefall. That fun? It’s an illusion. Your energy is swirling in the toilet—and guess what? That’s probably where your head will be later, too.
Drinking doesn’t just take the edge off; it dims your light. It muddies your connection to your higher self and it pulls you out of alignment with the magic that’s trying to flow through you. You’re energetically closing yourself off from the guidance that leads you forward, and instead of expanding, you’re shrinking into a haze.
Drinking strips away your ability to be authentic and live with integrity, because it shuts down your ability to stay connected to your intuition and clarity. Every drink pulls you further from that place of pure potential, creating static in your energy field. You think you’re opening up, loosening the reins, but what’s actually happening? You’re disconnecting from the very force that allows you to move forward with purpose and power.
Drinking steals your magic, clouds your intuition, and blocks your alignment with your soul’s calling.
2) Healing for Years On End.
Okay, time for some truth-telling. How long have you been on this endless journey of "healing"? How many healing treatments have you hopped on? How many trips to the wellness center have you made? Here’s the thing—healing is meant to be the first step in living a life of magic, not the forever space you live in.
Healing is meant to bring awareness to your patterns, behaviors, and belief systems. Once you have that awareness, you have two choices: evolve and expand, or pretend you didn’t see the writing on the wall and keep living the same way you always have. That’s it. Two paths.
Where healing goes sideways is when you stay stuck in the cycle, hoping for some magic cure to fix you. Whether it’s physical illness, mental stress, emotional turbulence, or spiritual disconnect, you keep trying to "fix" yourself. But guess what? You’re not broken. You never were. There’s nothing to fix. Healing is about waking up to who you really are—not spending eternity in the waiting room, hoping someone hands you the answer.
What if—and stay with me here—you are not lost, broken, or in need of saving? What if everything you need is already within you, waiting to be embraced? Healing is for awareness, not for fixing something that isn’t broken.

3) Holding On to Your Pain.
Here’s where things get real deep. How much pain are you holding onto right now? Not just the obvious stuff, but the sneaky little aches you’ve tucked away in your body, your mind, your heart, your soul. How many stories of hurt are still looping on repeat, playing out like old records, even though the music stopped long ago?
Here’s the thing: Pain can be comfortable. I know that sounds crazy, but sometimes we cling to our pain because it’s familiar. We know it. We understand it. It becomes a part of our identity. But what if I told you that holding onto your pain isn’t just keeping you stuck, it’s actually stopping you from stepping into your magic?
Think about it: Every time you tell your story through the lens of "I was hurt," you’re reinforcing that pain, embedding it even deeper into your being. But what if you shifted that? What if you started telling your story from the perspective of "I triumphed"? What if you became the hero of your own narrative, turning every wound into wisdom, every scar into a badge of honor?
Your pain doesn’t define you—it’s just a stepping stone to your greatness. It’s time to release it, to let it go, and make space for something more powerful, more beautiful, more you.
4) Following the Latest Wellness Trends.
Oh, wellness trends. They come in hot every year, making you feel like you’re missing out if you don’t jump on the latest bandwagon. But let me ask you something—are you really living your truth, or are you just following someone else’s idea of what should work for you?
Here’s the truth: Wellness trends are like fast fashion for the soul. They look shiny and new, but they don’t last. The more you chase the next big thing, the further you get from your own inner knowing. You end up disconnected from what your body, mind, and spirit actually need, because you’re too busy listening to the noise outside of you.
The secret? You already have everything you need within you. Wellness doesn’t come in a bottle or a diet or a new exercise routine. It comes from tuning into your own rhythm, your own intuition. It’s about listening to what you need, not what the world tells you to need.
Stop chasing trends, and start chasing your truth. Your body, your soul—they know the way.
Alright, enough about what’s sabotaging you—let’s talk about how to flip the script. Here are some things you can start doing right now to align with your highest self and tap into your magic:

Start listening to your energy field. Before you take that drink, buy that wellness product, or sign up for another healing retreat, pause and ask yourself: How does this make me feel energetically? Does it raise your vibration or drain it? Tune in.
Tell your story as the victor, not the victim. Start re-framing the way you talk about your past. Instead of focusing on the pain, focus on how you overcame it, how it shaped you, and how it empowered you. Your story is gold, not a wound.
Tune into your body’s wisdom. Instead of following the latest wellness trend, ask yourself: What does my body actually need right now? Maybe it’s rest. Maybe it’s movement. Maybe it’s just a little more self-love. Trust that your body knows the way.
Shift from healing to living. If you’ve been in healing mode for what feels like forever, it’s time to graduate. You don’t need to fix yourself—you’re already whole. Step out of the healing space and into the space of living your magic. That’s where the real expansion happens.
Get curious. The best way to shift your energy is to get curious about life. What lights you up? What makes you feel alive? Follow that spark. Whether it’s a new hobby, a creative project, or simply spending time in nature, let curiosity guide you.
Remember... Life isn’t about fixing yourself or following someone else’s path. It’s about stepping into your truth, aligning with your soul, and living a life of magic, integrity, and freedom.
So, what will you choose today? Will you keep chasing the things that drain you, or will you step into the magic that’s already within you, waiting to be unleashed?