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Erin A.

Working with Jaimie as a spiritual mentor and guide has been the impetus of incredible growth and healing for me over the last three years.  I initially came to her with chronic pain that I wasted thousands of dollars trying to diagnose only to come up with no answers.  After one energy session, Jaimie and I got to the root of the emotional block causing the issue and I was pain free.


What was so innovative about Jaimie's work is that she empowered me to figure out and clear the issue myself, holding the space of love and non-judgement as I found my own answers, always asking the right questions that I needed to do so. Jaimie held me with love as I walked through an incredible period of darkness and pain.  During this time, she helped me to sift through the darkness to find the medicine within it as the heroine -- not the victim -- of the experience.


Her belief in my deep inner wisdom and ability to heal myself helps me daily to know that I always have every answer within me: the work of a true spiritual teacher and healer.


Jaimie is a real, live human being - authentic, raw, honest and hilarious - with incredible intuitive gifts.  Watching her own her magic and shine so brightly in her non-traditional field inspires me to bravely own mine, and that just may be the best part of working with her.  I cannot say enough about the immense healing that has taken place since she came into my life.  I am forever grateful!

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